Our Experience


inTalks has provided mediation services across a range of sectors including not-for-profit, health and community services, education, construction, and mining.

We collaborate closely with HR professionals, insurers, rehabilitation providers, and brokers to deliver a unique service that significantly improves workplace culture, staff retention, and productivity while minimising unnecessary costs.

“inTalks helped us resolve a long-standing team issue – Rosemary quickly developed trust with the parties, she was professional, empathetic, and respectful. She skillfully facilitated the interaction and challenged the parties. The change in the workplace is amazing. We would recommend inTalks for any dispute management issue.”

HR manager, Not-for-profit Sector

inTalks Principal Mediator

Meet Rosemary, a highly accomplished professional with extensive experience in leadership, team management, change management, and organisational development. Rosemary holds a Bachelor of Social Work and a Master of Commerce in Organisational Behaviour and Industrial Relations from the University of NSW. She is also a trained Rehabilitation Counsellor and an Accredited Mediator.

With over 30 years of experience managing large teams in the insurance, health, and financial services sector, Rosemary has a proven track record of delivering high-quality results. She is passionate about supporting organisations with staff retention, development, and well-being.

Rosemary firmly believes that quality dialogue is the most consistent determiner of sustainable outcomes, particularly when dealing with sensitive and complex matters.

In addition to her expertise in leadership, Rosemary has extensive experience in change management. She has successfully led organisations through major changes, helping teams and individuals adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Her reputation and experience have made her a sought-after facilitator, coach and mentor for organisations looking to build capability in their teams.

Throughout her career, Rosemary has worked with many organisations across a range of different industries. Her in-depth knowledge and practical experience, combined with her strong interpersonal skills and integrity enable her to quickly build relationships and understand the issues.